中国石化新闻网讯 据OE网站3月2日报道,日本最大的油气勘探和生产公司Inpex周四表示,收购三菱(Mitsubishi)在苏格兰Moray East海上风电场16.7%的股份,以进一步扩大可再生能源领域。
去年4月启动的Moray East海上风电场,100台涡轮机的装机发电量为950兆瓦,该风电场的其他股东包括法国能源公司Engie和关西电力公司。
该公司还表示,将继续通过其与中部电力(Chubu Electric)的荷兰合资企业Eneco扩大在欧洲的电力业务。Inpex没有透露这笔交易的价值,但表示此次收购对其财务业绩的影响将是微乎其微的。
郝芬 译自 OE
Japan's Inpex Buys Stake in UK Offshore Wind Farm from MitsubishiInpex, Japan's largest oil and gas exploration and production company, said on Thursday it had bought a 16.7% stake in the Moray East offshore wind farm in Scotland from Mitsubishi to expand further into renewable energy.
The Moray East offshore wind farm, launched last April, has capacity of 950 megawatts from 100 turbines, with French energy company Engie ENGIE.PA and Kansai Electric Power Co 9503.T among its other shareholders.
The sale was part of Mitsubishi's "value-added cyclical growth model", or redirection of resources to other areas if the business environment has changed, Mitsubishi said in a statement to Reuters.
The company also said it would continue expanding its power business in Europe through Eneco, its Dutch joint venture with Chubu Electric. Inpex did not provide the value of the deal but said that the acquisition's impact on its financial results would be minimal.
(责任编辑:黄振 审核:蒋文娟 )