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日期:2024-05-27    来源:国瑞能光伏支架




关键词: 国瑞能 光伏支架 阿富汗光伏项目


In recent years,under the grand blueprint drawn by the “Belt and Road ”,economic and trade exchanges between China and Afghanistan have continued to deepen,and a strategic partnership in the energy field of the “Belt and Road” has been successfully established.At present,Grace Solar adheres to a global vision,deepens its overseas layout strategy,accurately targets the Middle East as a key area to expand overseas markets,deeply diggs the unlimited potential of the Afghan photovoltaic market,and is committed to writing a new chapter of mutual benefit and win-win results.


Recently,Grace anchored the emerging photovoltaic market in Afghanistan and successfully completed the shipment and supply of customized photovoltaic brackets for 10MW carbon steel ground adjustable project.The successful completion of this project not only demonstrates Grace Solar"s strong strength in the field of solar mounting,but also provides strong support for the development of clean energy in Afghanistan.


In view of the complex and changeable natural environment and unique site conditions in Afghanistan, Grace Solar has carefully customized a set of differentiated PV mounting solutions.In terms of material selection,hot-dip galvanized steel is used to ensure the durability and aesthetics of the bracket.It is worth mentioning that Grace Solar considered customer needs and adopted a galvanized layer thickness that far exceeded conventional standards and reached the ultimate thickness of the material,further enhancing the corrosion resistance of the bracket.


In terms of structural design,the project fully considered the slope characteristics of the project site.By adopting a single column design,it not only effectively integrates the north-south slope,but also avoids adding additional rotating parts to adapt to the slope,thereby reducing the complexity and construction cost of the project.In addition,bolts are installed on the foundation surface to enhance the pull-out resistance of the brackets. This innovative design not only solves the challenges posed by the slope of the site,but also enhances the stability and safety of mounting system.


What’s more,Grace Solar’s PV brackets also have excellent weather resistance.It can resist acid and alkali corrosion from wind erosion and rain,ensuring long-term stable operation of the project in the harsh natural environment of Afghanistan and extending the service life of the project.


In recent years,Afghanistan"s photovoltaic market has shown strong growth.Driven by the global wave of renewable energy,the Afghan government has also kept pace with the times and promulgated a series of favorable policies.At the same time,with the continuous deepening of the "Belt and Road" policy,China-Afghanistan trade barriers have gradually weakened,creating a good business environment.Against this background,Grace Solar, as a leader in the photovoltaic industry,has injected continuous vitality into Afghanistan"s photovoltaic industry with its high-quality product and customized solutions in the field of photovoltaic brackets,becoming a driving force for local development of green energy industry.


The successful completion of the 10MW carbon steel ground adjustable project in Afghanistan is another important achievement by Grace Solar in the Afghan market.Looking forward to the future,Grace Solar will continue to adhere to the enterprise mission of "Mount every solar plant firm as rock,bring more profits from the sun" and provide more high-quality products and services for the development of the global photovoltaic industry.At the same time,Grace Solar will also pay close attention to the development trends of the Afghan market and provide more powerful support and assistance for the vigorous development of the local photovoltaic industry.

作为新兴的太阳能市场,爱尔兰的太阳能产业正迎来前所未有的发展机遇。根据ESB Networks的确认,目前已有1吉瓦的太阳能光伏连接到电网,这标志着爱尔兰在可再生能源利用方面迈出了坚实的步伐。而随着电力系统的峰值需求不断增长,光伏发电在爱尔兰的潜力巨大。计划到2030年,爱尔兰的太阳能装机容量将达到8GW。这将为更多的家庭和企业提供清洁、可持续的能。

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